Wednesday, September 27, 2023



We will see a steady stream of speakers about the lack of affordable houses in Canada. There are not enough houses for the peoples/families that need them! In Vancouver and Toronto young people cannot afford to live (the rent is just too high).


Every human being needs a dwelling. They need a place to be safe (protected), a place to prepare and eat their meals and a safe place to sleep every night. Housing is a strong a need as clean water is for our bodies.


Now, where does God live? Hang his hat?


God wants to make his home within the human heart. God wants to make his home in each human being. People may be very respectful of the presence of God inside our church buildings, in the reserved sacrament in the tabernacle and in the elements used in the sacraments. But there can be a complete absence of the sense that God is present and wants to make his home within us.


This means that when we gather for prayer the first place of reverence for the presence of God is within our fellow believer. Up to this point we may never have been alerted to the sacred presence of God within the other. Our awareness of God’s presence must develop so that we sense the presence of God in the other. There are many consequences that flow from this when we look around in our church communities and recognize that God is present and active in people who are so different from ourselves.


If God makes his home within us, we do not have a passive house guest. This is not some fat, lazy house cat that just wants to be feed. God within us is a restless God. At times, he will be very demanding. And this restless resident may make some very heavy demands on us.


He may become the pain of conscience when we choose not to bring respect to people who are different from us, whether that be difference of culture, race, religious identity or sexuality. The presence of God is the first anti-racist movement in society and it happens in our own soul. If you listen! And the listening may be very demanding!


The presence of God within us may move us to significant acts of charity. This restless spirit may prod you to take time to visit your ancient aunt in the nursing home. Her family does not seem to care that much. You are being moved to take her hand, hold it with care. All the while, she does not recognize nor remember you. You are bringing moments of human kindness to this wonderful human being. She does not speak. There is no thank-you. But the spirit of God living with you have brought you to this wonderful act of human warm.


One of your fellow employees must sharpen his tongue every morning so that he can speak some critical and hurtful things about other human beings. He is not pleasant to be around but you have to work with him eight hours a day. The God who lives within you may give you the courage to clearly confront him and his offensive mouth with “I don’t think that is true.” “Would you like anyone to say such negative things like you have just said?”


The presence of God is not pussy-footing but can be very clear and direct. Who said that God was always nice?


Spend  a little time reflecting on the home that God has made in your heart and what it means for you daily life.




Wednesday, September 20, 2023



When I drive around the Province, along functioning and non-functioning farm yards, I see old buildings  falling apart. The old barn has not had a coat of paint for at least thirty years. Old sheds have open doors that indicate that the doors are not closable. Drive through many of the little villages and you see many old houses falling apart.


Very recently, a young professional woman in her early thirties was offered the fine China sets of her grandmother and great-grand mother. In past generations, a set of fine China wear was a sign of wealth and prestige. The young woman responded to the offer of her mother to the two sets of very good China wear: “I don’t want them!”


In all these situations people are making a clear statement. “This old China set and these old buildings are of no value to me” Most people just walk away and leave these things crumble into decay.


We bring the same attitude toward our relationships and our participation in the community at large. We may be very involved in the political process when we were younger but have become disillusioned and now keep our distance towards any type of political commitment. “This is no longer of any value to me!”


We were good friends through high school and the college years but then he married a classmate and all their involvement is on her side of the family. His marriage jus whittled away any chance to continue the friendship. Now with his complete focus on the in-law side of his family and his history, there are only memories of good friendship in the past. Today there can be no involvement in continuing the friendship because “This is no longer of any value to me!”


We used to be very involved in an active prayer life. We continued to have the discipline towards daily prayer that we received from our parents, but life got busy and more independent that we no longer feel the conviction that prayer actually has anything to offer my life. When it comes down to the bottom line of using my daily energy, prayer “no longer has any value to me!”


Follow through on the image of driving the roads of Saskatchewan. What parts of your own life are no longer of any use to you? To answer this question honestly does not mean that all the time what we have discontinued is negative. There are many things in life that we must let go of and move on.


But there are valuable relationships and values that we have allowed to diminish. Answering this question will alert us to what we have lost along the way.


What part of our family life needs new bridges built, a reaching out to rebuild friendships and a strong sense of connection?


What part of our religious upbringing and our share in the life of the Church have we let fall, but now need to reconnect?


These old, decaying buildings have spurred me on to ask in my own life and relationships, “And what no longer has value for me?”



Tuesday, September 12, 2023



How many stories on TV have you watched that had a person, lost and lonely, no where to stay for the night; ending up at a all night cafĂ© or coffee shop? This coffee shop with the lights on becomes an island of safety for a few hours. There is a certain  pointlessness to opening the door. It is so lonely.


What \what a good image to consider our God. There are no hours of business or consultation with God. When life is just empty and without direction, or when life is buffeted by storms we can go to God, no matter what the time of day or day of the week. God keeps no hours!


We have too much religion but we live in a time of spiritual malnutrition. Too often people will only run to God when the situation of their lives becomes impossible. This is the god of the gaps! God serves as as the last clause on the insurance policy.


We want to teach people that God permeates all parts of our lives. Whether or not we pay attention ,God is alive and working in our day-to-day activities. God is never absent from our lives. It is ourselves who are absent from God.


This explains why the cross has such a strong hold on our Christian faith. This is God who lives and suffers with us. God is not distant but the sufferings of the cross identify with our own sufferings. God is actually one of us in the tears and the pain of living. We can identify with the suffering God. In all our difficulties, we  are assured that God walks with us.


That is why the lonely diner with the lights on in the middle of the night remind us that we can go to God. There are no restrictions or standards of acceptance.


The person who is struggling with drug addiction can cry out to God for help to seek help and sobriety in their addiction. There are no office hours with God to cry out for help.


The elderly grandmother who cries every night because her children are divided from one another. One son and her only daughter refuse to talk to each other over a dispute over their father’s car when he died seven years ago. Every night she can lay out her pain, her anger and her dis appointment before God. There is no appointment list where to share her pain with God and request a healing to her family.


Your forty-seven year old brother struggles with stage four cancer. He can come to God in those dark moments of discouragement and ask for the strength just to get through another day.


God is never distant. We can drop into God’s herart at any hour of the day, especially in the lonely hours of the night. Always check, the lights are always on!











Saturday, September 2, 2023



How you define poverty is a delicate matter. If you identify a successful life with economic security and a decent ownership of personal wealth ( i.e. house, investments, retirement funds) you probably will define poverty as having a very weak flow of cash.


If you identify the good life as filled with strong and generous relationships, you will define poverty as being alone; on the margins or without friends. Poor people have no friends!


As we move through life, we should be getting a better understanding of who we actually are: our good qualities and our weaknesses. Everyone else knows our weaknesses much better than we do ourselves. Self-knowledge comes only with a lot of hard work.  The last person to ever know our faults and failings would be ourselves!


The revealing exercise is to take our finger and slowly move over our arms and legs after we have fallen and rolled down the stairs. We are trying to discover if there is anything bruised, bleeding or simply not working!


There is a gaping area of poverty in your person if you eliminate people because of their race, their gender, religion or their country of origin. A healthy, integrated person recognizes their blind spots towards people who are different. This does not mean that such a person does not have difficulties with people from other countries. There may be cultural blocks that limit how respectful we can be at this point in our history.  Knowledge of self means that we do not have to rely on our young , adult children to point out our racist attitudes!


The person who will not share, whether it be their wealth, their time, skills and compassion is a very poor person. Their poverty is most often manifest in the word, ‘no.’ They have tremendous talents, a hard working schedule and a wealth of experience, but they are reluctant to every share themselves. People have learnt that you only receive the answer ‘no’ twice and you never ask them for any assistance again. Here you are rich in skills and work habits, but poor in helping your neighbor.


There are people who walk in deep poverty because they cannot see the good things in other peoples lives. The grandmother next door  has twelve grandchildren and they visit almost weekly and  you have  no grandchildren! Their poverty is expressed in the absence of any joy over the good things that belong to the lives of others: steadfast friends, children and grand-children, golf buddies and good health. Their poverty is the absence of joy over the good things, the blessings, that flower forth from the lives of others.


Poverty is very real but first of all it is a poverty of spirit: our lives have big gapping holes in them: absence of generosity, not rejoicing in the goodness of  others and no sharing. Such a person may have a strong cash flow but be very, very poor in their personal lives.


Look around. Where do you see big, gapping holes of poverty in the lives of your co-workers, your relatives and the people you do business with?





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