This Sunday (February 02) we celebrate the presentation of Jesus in the Temple. In the Jewish law a woman who had given birth must be purified in prayer and ritual in the Temple. This was to happen forty days after the birth of the child. Thus, February is forty days after Christmas.
Now Mary and Joseph encounter two people. They recognize the revealing hand of God in the birth of this child. In Jesus, they recognize God breaking into human history. Life will be very different after this birth.
Today, pay attention to the ordinariness of the people. It is not the powerful priests of the Temple who recognize what God is doing. It is not the rich merchants and the Roman rulers who pay attention to the hand of God at work in their space and time.
It is some very ordinary people. Probably the majority of the people might not have known their names!
Now it was Simeon (Lk. 2,25) who comes into the Temple and takes the child in his arms. He praised God that he was given the insight that he would not see death until he had seen the Messiah, i.e., the salvation, that God was bringing to his people.
Then, there was the eighty-four year old widow, Anna. She began speaking about the gift this child was for all who were awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem (Lk. 2, 18).
One of the insights that I hope we all take from this event is that God works through very ordinary people. These were not the powerful, the rich or the well-educated people. They were ordinary, uncomplicated believers who recognized the hand of God in the birth of this very ordinary child (like every other baby in the country).
Now, you are ordinary and uncomplicated.
See the revelation of God coming to you when the Scriptures are proclaimed in Church, when you read and pray over a particular passage in one of the four Gospels, and in your quiet prayer time. The Holy Spirit is active and coming to you in these very ordinary moments of prayer and reflection.
God comes to you in the poor with their many faces. It may be the kindness you bring to your aged aunt in the nursing home. She recognizes no one but you take her hand and gently speak to her of her life, her relationships and all the things she used to be so concerned about in her house. See the face of Jesus in her blank stare.
God comes to you in the loud concern that you hear from one of your co-workers. If there is an opening to speak about the homeless people in Regina and our own city, he lays out his strong concern about homelessness. Speaking about concern for the poor and suffering is not always pleasant. Even though this may brother many others at times, this concern is a moment when God is revealing Godself in this very ordinary person.
Simeon and Anna, you are so ordinary yet you teach us to see the hand of God in the very ordinary moments of our lives.