Saturday, November 14, 2020




Pay attention to who your leaders are. A leader always sets the tone of the group whether it be country, school or workplace. Now tone is something that is difficult to define in words but you sure can feel it in practice. 


Our school boards have learnt this lesson long ago. They work hard to bring a functioning leader who works towards clear goals in the education process, is able to work with many different personalities and has a real love for the students and their parents. The personality and working habits of the principal colors everything in a particular school.


Our church has been blessed with Pope Francis. Thousands of ordinary Catholics and many non-participants are so happy with this very approachable person. But there are many others (more silent about their opposition) who are rather uncomfortable with the direction that he appears to be taking us.


Actually, he is challenging the entire membership of the Church to become a ‘poor church for the poor.’ Whereas people in the past may have expected the pope to shore up the doctrine and the discipline of the Church, Pope Francis is leading the way for the believers everywhere to turn toward the poor in their own country and in the world and walking with the poor of this world. 


Within the life of the Church, we must always be concerned that the correct doctrine is being preached and prayed by the people at the local level. But that is only half of the story. The Pope must be concerned about the correct practice of Christianity. In other words, our correct doctrines must take flesh in the daily lives of believers. 


This is why he has asked that this Sunday (November 15, 2020) be designated as the Sunday of the poor of this world. He wants people worldwide to pay attention to the ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor. He wants believers to pay attention to who are the poor among their population. Most often, the poor are invisible to the working citizens of a particular country. 


This Sunday provides an opportunity to reflect on the teachings of Jesus toward the poor of his time and place. What did he bring to those who were suffering or excluded from sharing fully in the society? How did he lift the life and value of the poor up?


Two centuries from now people will say that Pope Francis was on the right side of history. He is trying to move the Church to where it needs to be: among the poor and the suffering, among the people that society counts as of lesser value. This must not be a Church that triumphs in its airtight doctrines, but rather a messy Church that loves and cares about the people who get pushed aside and forgotten. 


This Sunday can become such a beneficial time  to enter more deeply into the call of Jesus to love the poor with the very heart of God. Take great joy that your heart is being challenged by Pope Francis’ direction to go out towards the poor of this world.



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