Saturday, January 30, 2021



One of the loud clashes that we see in our Catholic Church is to see media coverage of Pope Francis leading the liturgy in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Here you have this huge opulent building (one of the great structures on the globe) that surrounds the church leader who consciously wants to be a bishop for the poor of this world. He challenges the people of the Church not to look for support in their buildings, their power or their competence. Rather he calls the Church to be a ‘field hospital;’ a Church for the poor by the poor.


We have yet to come to grips with this incredible challenge. This is definitely directing to Church to make a sharp right turn. Lift your eyes from doing churchy things and care for the poor beginning in your own country. 


In our faith communities (the local parish community of believers) we need to turn our attention towards the wounded and the push-aside ones. 


In our faith communities we need to work to become more aware of the wounds that people carry in their lives. They come in all their woundedness to the Lord. 


There is the wounds of divorce and disjointed families. When a marriage breaks up there are all kinds of feelings of failure and fear of joining the praying community. There are wounds between parents and children, and between the children. One of the painful wounds that divorced people will tell you is that they do not feel that the Church is a very welcoming place.


Then there are the parents and siblings who live in fear that one of their brothers (a drug user) might accidently overdose on bad drugs. In 2021 it is so dangerous out there!  The fentanyl epidemic is a silent killer because all the national attention is turned towards the covid epidemic.  These parents may never articulate their fears but they will tremble if the phone rings at 9:00am on a weekend morning to inform them of the overdose death of their son (it is mostly males who die of an overdose in Canada). The long-lasting wounds of an overdose death is so real in the lives of too many of our parents.


The unemployed and the people who are on the verge of collapsing the businesses they worked so hard to establish have the wounds of failure and uselessness. Who wants to have a thirty-four year old male banging around the house day after day and often for months because there is no job!  The struggles that the unemployed go through do not receive sufficient reflection in society at large, but also in our Churches. What are their wounds? 


Whenever our Church gathers on Sunday there are always people who have lost loved ones. Death is a walking companion to every human being. We have a strong spiritual accompaniment to those who have died, but there are deep feelings of loss and loneliness in those who have loved them. If we live long enough (into the mid-nineties) we will have lost all our friends and co-workers. We might only have grandchildren that are still attached to us. The wounds brought on by the death of our loved ones is very real.


Each faith community is challenged when we embrace the woundedness of our people. Each person/family/relationship must come before the wounded Christ and ask for healing and support. This is such a good time for the Church. We may be very slow to take up the challenge of Pope Francis to become a ‘field hospital’ but he has set us on the right path. 


When you can join your faith community again, do a ‘spiritual search’ for the woundedness among us.  You will engage in prayer immediately. 


Saturday, January 23, 2021



I am very concerned about the direction that many American evangelicals have taken with regard to their strong support for the just-past Trump administration. Here they had a leader who skillfully  manipulated them in support by his strong political stand (not necessarily personal conviction) against abortion and gay marriage. 


This does not mean that all American evangelicals are included in this caution.


There is a strong point of wisdom from the study of history. ‘Everyone who does not learn from history is bound to repeat the same mistakes.’


Two of the most glaring mistakes that churches have made was the Catholic Church in France in the many decades that preceded the French Revolution (1789). The second was the very close marriage between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Czar (the autocratic government) prior to the revolution of 1917. In both examples both sides were benefitting from the power and wealth of the other. It was a social marriage of enrichment.


But what happened? When the revolution (the uprising of the anger of the people to the oppression of the king and religion) erupted, both churches were butchered! The people took out their anger and frustration on king and church in the same uprising. No one should be sorry that the churches suffered so greatly. They made the wrong friends! They were so entwined with the political and economic powers that they could not see how far off-course they were. 


Religion should always have a love-hate relationship with power: whether it be pollical power, big business or big media.  If the church is faithful to its calling there will always be a line of tension in all relationships with power!


This does not mean that religion must stand opposed to the leadership of government or of big media. It means that it must cooperate with all forces within a society that are working for the well-being of the society. 


Where were the Churches during the three hundred years that slavery was practiced in the Americas?  Why were there so few voices that opposed such a brutal and unjust system of economic production? 


The people of the Church must ask the tough questions of governments, the big media, educational institutions and big business. There are going to be people in our churches who will walk out in anger: the churches have no business to ever ask how the poor are benefitting from the billions of dollars in profit that our corporations are making this year! Fear of upsetting some people never gives us permission not to ask how our society is caring for and trying to lift up the poor (the people who benefit the least from the benefits of the society). 


The Church must work with the parts of society that help its citizens to thrive but it must always walk with a critical eye toward its own timidity to challenge selfishness, racism, destruction of the eco-system and downright indifference toward the poor and the suffering. And it must not only exercise that attitude towards the government but it must also bring these same critical tools to its own exercise of power within its own life. The Church must walk with a self-critical attitude.


Simply put, a healthy church must never become too comfortable!


Saturday, January 16, 2021



If you have a supervisor at work who is super-organized, everything has been outlined and there are no surprises. The staff will feel very secure.  But there is a downsize to this personality. Their great strength, their organizational skills is also their greatest weakness: they can be so hard on people whose performance does not measure up!


Your greatest weakness is located in your greatest strength!


Church is no different. We function in a liturgical church where things have been clearly worked out. People do not need to invent the wheel. Each year we pray, preach, study and apply the life and teachings of Jesus. We have our doctrines worked out in the Catechism which indicates clearly what we believe. We have organized the lines of authority through the ministry of the bishop, leader of the faithful of a particular part of the Church.


These are great strengths. We must never lessen their importance to the life of faith.


But the weakness is that too many people relegate their faith practice to  the rituals alone. The preaching church and the practicing church does not insist that we work hard to learn and integrate the teachings of Jesus into our daily lives.  We do not hear the ordinary parishioner insisting that we need more teaching and opportunities to deepen our faith. 


It is never sufficient to proclaim and teach the correct doctrines of the Church. We must ask ‘and how is this put into practice?’ Do the faithful of the Church give a polite nod to the more difficult  teaching of Jesus? Are they polite to the social teachings of the Church? Our weakness as Church is the neglect of listening to what is and what is not happening in the lives of the believers. 


We need to ask every bishop, ordained priest, religious sister and parish leaders, ‘how well are you working with your own personal weaknesses and limitations? How well are you working with the limitations of this parish community?


We are never going to be a completely redeemed people on earthside. We await full transformation in eternal life. But in the meantime, we must take into our hands our own limitations in responding to Jesus, Son of God.


Ask every person who claims to be a believer how well they are integrating God’s great love for all people into their daily lives. Do they view and treat people who are of a different skin color, a different economic and education standard, a different religion or a different ethic background as people of equal value? As people who deserve equal treatment and opportunities within their own society? 


We are a church of sinners. There is much in our lives that needs redemption but we come before God holding our strengths in one hand and all our weaknesses in the other. As we struggle with our weaknesses, our need for the redeeming power of Jesus Christ cries out from our bones. Our weaknesses can become our cry for redemption and transformation.


Neglecting our weaknesses will limit what we can do in life and in Church. 


When you apply the principle that your greatest strengths are your greatest weaknesses, what are you discovering?

Saturday, January 9, 2021



On Wednesday evening, January 06, I was glued to the news site watching the mob storm the Capitol Building in Washington, DC. I watched in total disbelief. This could not be happening to our neighbor. This country could not be enduring so much anger and chaos.


But when evil happens and when it is deliberately perpetrated by political leaders I must take hold of my Christian faith. In no way means that it lessens the power and the suffering caused by evil human beings. It does not mean that we deny or refuse to face the evil that is happening in our world. I am not retreating to try to deny  the reality of evil.


The resurrection of Jesus (and the promise that we too will rise and triumph as Christ) clearly proclaims that the powers of evil do not have the last word. Darkness will be overcome! Evil and death will be no more!


Where there is evil, sin and darkness I must turn toward the light that the very Spirit of God gives us in these terrible days. Where there is evil, I am being challenged to plant goodness, hope and compassion.


Our faith challenges us to believe (and gives us power to live our convictions ) that light is always stronger than darkness, love more powerful than hate and goodness will triumph over evil.


A piece of earthy wisdom that has given me strength is, “it is better to light one candle than to ever curse the darkness.’ 


When someone is so negative about a co-worker I am challenged to speak two good words about the person that you just tried to put down!


When someone hurls a racial slur about people of different color, ethnicity or religious background I am challenged to bring forth the goodness of the very persons you tried to stamp into the ground. 


Our churches, as leaders in this regard, must encourage and support us to always believe in the power of doing good. No act of respect for the human dignity of another human being will ever be lost. We must view all the good we do to the times of our childhood when we would flip little stones into calm, still water and there would be ripples that would flow out from the  place where the stone was dropped into the water. The ripples of goodness all flow into eternal life.


I hold the American nation in my prayer. They are so divided and angry. They are coping with the change of their demographics very poorly, but they are our neighbors! And they are hurting! I bring these people in prayer that God may give direction and a desire to work for healing. To use a very biblical image, may they cast aside their guns and ugly slogans and may they pick up hoes and rakes and grow food for each other!


It is still a very tough week for the world and for Canada. May goodness arise from the ashes of this very evil week!



Friday, January 1, 2021


 Trust in another human being is as essential to life as breathing is Imagine yourself as an infant and you cannot trust that your mother will feed you, protect and keep you clean. Move to the opposite end of life and put yourself in the shoes of the elderly who cannot trust their own children to care for them and protect their remaining resources. 


Whenever trust is not fulfilled we become very unsure of the ground on which we stand. 


On Thursday, the Ontario Finance Minister, returning from a holiday in the Caribbean, resigned his position as minister of finance. The premier of the province of Ontario , in an honest effort to control the Corona 19 Virus has ordered a lockdown of Southern Ontario and demanded of everyone that there be no non-essential travel. His minister of finance did not obey the rules.


Serious damage has been done to the credibility of the Ford government. No one should be surprised if the ordinary citizen complains: there are rules for the ordinary people and then there are exceptions for the powerful. This unnecessary travel, i.e., Caribbean holiday, has brough disrepute on any further action by the Ontario Ford government.


No one should ever brush off the breaking of trust lightly. No one can function in a family if there is little or no trust among the members of the family. No society can function if there is no basic trust between the members of the society. We must be able to trust strangers and functionaries in the society: all government officials, police personnel, nurses, teachers, bus drivers and all the people who serve us in restaurants.


Now, consider how much stability you had growing up with a father or mother who always followed through on what they taught you. They never told you in words that you could not shoplift from a store. You knew by the age of five that if you picked up anything from the store without paying for it, they would march you right back in and demand that you give the stolen item back to the store. Their word was not only golden, it was iron and it worked!


We must not allow this breaking of the rules by a high ranking government minster fall off the shelf of public awareness. 


But as we begin the new year, 2021, it gives us pause to ask how trustworthy we are. How much weight can people e give to your word?  Do others know how trustworthy you actually are? 


God’s word is trustworthy! That is why it works in lives of people. God does not give up on us. Is your word as trustworthy as God’s word?


Now, to lighten up this reflection, pick up the phone and call some of your siblings. When you were teenagers and snuck out to be with your friends at some social event, how did your father/mother keep their word in what was proper and right? You should have a lot of stories to share on what it means to live in trust based on the word of your parents. 


Begin this New Year’s day with a smile on your face!



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