Friday, January 1, 2021


 Trust in another human being is as essential to life as breathing is Imagine yourself as an infant and you cannot trust that your mother will feed you, protect and keep you clean. Move to the opposite end of life and put yourself in the shoes of the elderly who cannot trust their own children to care for them and protect their remaining resources. 


Whenever trust is not fulfilled we become very unsure of the ground on which we stand. 


On Thursday, the Ontario Finance Minister, returning from a holiday in the Caribbean, resigned his position as minister of finance. The premier of the province of Ontario , in an honest effort to control the Corona 19 Virus has ordered a lockdown of Southern Ontario and demanded of everyone that there be no non-essential travel. His minister of finance did not obey the rules.


Serious damage has been done to the credibility of the Ford government. No one should be surprised if the ordinary citizen complains: there are rules for the ordinary people and then there are exceptions for the powerful. This unnecessary travel, i.e., Caribbean holiday, has brough disrepute on any further action by the Ontario Ford government.


No one should ever brush off the breaking of trust lightly. No one can function in a family if there is little or no trust among the members of the family. No society can function if there is no basic trust between the members of the society. We must be able to trust strangers and functionaries in the society: all government officials, police personnel, nurses, teachers, bus drivers and all the people who serve us in restaurants.


Now, consider how much stability you had growing up with a father or mother who always followed through on what they taught you. They never told you in words that you could not shoplift from a store. You knew by the age of five that if you picked up anything from the store without paying for it, they would march you right back in and demand that you give the stolen item back to the store. Their word was not only golden, it was iron and it worked!


We must not allow this breaking of the rules by a high ranking government minster fall off the shelf of public awareness. 


But as we begin the new year, 2021, it gives us pause to ask how trustworthy we are. How much weight can people e give to your word?  Do others know how trustworthy you actually are? 


God’s word is trustworthy! That is why it works in lives of people. God does not give up on us. Is your word as trustworthy as God’s word?


Now, to lighten up this reflection, pick up the phone and call some of your siblings. When you were teenagers and snuck out to be with your friends at some social event, how did your father/mother keep their word in what was proper and right? You should have a lot of stories to share on what it means to live in trust based on the word of your parents. 


Begin this New Year’s day with a smile on your face!


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