Saturday, July 31, 2021




The most fundamental question facing every human being alive on the planet today is, ‘Will the planet survive or will we continue to heat up the atmosphere beyond the point of survival?’ What good will it do if we continue to develop human well-being if continuance of the earth will not sustain humans? 


There are still people who are skeptics on the conclusion that the atmosphere of the earth is heating up. The scientists have been trying to make this evident for the past sixty years. I am firmly convinced that they are telling humanity the truth: I am measuring the melting of the polar ice! The faster the ice recedes, the hotter the planet is becoming. There is a need to be alarmed at the warming of the atmosphere.


Everyone who claims to believe in God must ask what our faith stance can contribute to the survival of the one and only place we can call home.  They will be surprised at the resources and energy that our faith can give toward the survival of the planet.


Unfortunately, humanity has dominated during the past five centuries by it strength and power all living creation. We have completely divorced ourselves from nature. Nature and all parts of the physical creation were meant to be subservient to the demands of human beings. This attitude of human dominance, with no responsibility towards the created world, is leading us straight over the cliff of destruction. We know where this bus is headed and it is not in a good direction!


We must discover (because the past five hundred years of development has lost it) the Creator- God who created (and is still creating) this marvelous cosmos. Why would God have created such a marvellous creation and only bring forth humanity in thee last few thousands of years after 13.5 billion years? What joy did God create when each of the stars and solar systems were created? 


Our religion and prayer must root us in the original work of God: creation. Our prayer life must also take us into the heart and the joy of the God of creation. There is much power in our religion to bring us to share the great pride and satisfaction that God has in the creation of each blade of grass, each bird that sings and every drop of water on this planet. 


The survival of the human race and all parts of the planet demands a major cultural shift for humanity. We can do it if we choose survival. We have yet to mine (dig deep into) the beliefs of our religious faith. 


In 2015 Pope Francis issued the encyclical (official policy), Laudato si, which outlines the possibilities for a Christian faith that cares for and nourishes planetary (and human) survival. This policy paper encourages and challenges all Christians to work for the well-being and survival of the earth.


There is great power in religious conviction to work towards a sustainable world.

Do not underestimate the power of our religious faith to motivate Christian believers to work toward a sustainable world? 


The encyclical Laudato si is the articulation of deep-felt convictions in so many parts of the Christian world. We just have to be brave enough to implement this neglected part of our Christian faith.







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