Wednesday, March 9, 2022




The invasion of the Ukraine has set the entire world on edge. We are living in a time of danger. We are not sure what the next hour will bring and how close we could be to war.


But the bombing of the nuclear station (last Friday) at Zaporizhzhi in the Ukraine tells us how dangerous this invasion actually is. Fortunately, the shells only destroyed a service building and did not hit the nuclear reactor itself. Humanity could have been hit with a much greater nuclear fall-out than the Chernobyl nuclear breakdown in 1986.


Humans have become so powerful. We have developed the power of the atom to provide us with energy. A large part of the country of the Ukraine receives its electricity from this nuclear reactor.


But the power we have achieved can also be used to destroy. War is no longer determined by the power of a soldier’s arm.  In the early days an army could attack only as far as a solider could hurl a spear or fire an arrow at the enemy. Ever since the First World War I we now fight industrial wars. We have sharper, stronger and deadlier weapons than mankind has ever experienced. The average citizen has no concept of the destructive power that is actually available to our militaries.


Now, just days away from an unbelievable nuclear disaster all humans must take deeper responsibility for humanity and its survival. 


In our daily prayer and our church prayer we must pound the doors of heaven asking for common sense and determination to end this invasion and rebuild peace and security. Make your prayer insistent. Ask the Holy Spirit to move the hearts and wills of leaders to bring an end to this carnage. 


Recognize the great good that so many people and government agencies are doing to help the two million refugees who have fled the Ukraine into neighboring countries like Poland. What good is being done in the face of so much evil! In the reality of so much evil, there are so many unrecognized people helping the refugees. Just think of finding a bed for the night, food, sanitation, health care and some entertainment to stave off the boredom of trying to survive in a different country.


Look toward our world leaders as they beef up international cooperation and defense strategies to prevent a world war. As we move into the future how do you prevent the invasion of one powerful country into a smaller neighbor? The Western countries have been much too complacent in working for security and harmony between nations.


We must think through what the consequences could mean if one of the nuclear power stations was destroyed by the bombs of war. The consequences could spill over for another ten to thirty thousand years. 


With greater power over the forces of nature must come a greater responsibility on the part of all humans – especially those who are invading another country.  This is a time to demand of Russia greater responsibility towards the well-being of humanity.


I am so grateful that my Christian faith spurs us on to care for all humans. This week our care focuses on the people of the Ukraine. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for moving us to care for our sister and brother who is being invaded.





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