Wednesday, May 4, 2022




The invasion of the Ukraine has been a belly blow to the world. We used to live in a cloud that there would be no more war. We would have business as usual between countries. That illusion has been shattered.


We do not have words in English to describe how horrible and senseless this ward actually is.


We are living in a time of great evil.  Valdimir Putin and his government are cornered like a scared rat. They have lost the war (even though they might try to control the country of the Ukraine) and cannot find a triumphant way out. Where do you go with a devasted Russian army and not lose face?


This is where I am so glad that we have God. I am so glad that our Christian faith gives us hope and strength in the face of so much evil and destruction.


Faith is not a piece of mist that floats in the air in the Spring sunshine. It is very real. It is powerful and it gives us strength to continue to the next day.


When armies line up their war machinery and launch missiles at civilian homes, factories and hospitals, our God suffers. God has a tender heart. What causes such great pain to Ukrainian refugees causes great pain in the heart of God. 


The power that God gives us is the hope and the energy that we can build a world where there will be no more war. A world where the rich and the strong will seek the well-being of the poor and the dispossessed. We see this already in the countless number of people who are opening their homes and schools for the huge influx of refugees. All this goodness  is sourced in the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God is always moving us towards greater goodness. 


Our Christian religion is at its weakest when it only focuses on “my” relationship with the Divine. Whenever a believer is limited only (narrow and suffocating) to “God and me,” we are at the bottom of the pile.


Our Christian religion (in all its brands) has a strong sense of social justice and care for the poor and the suffering of this world.  This is where I am so thankful that we have God. We live in the horizon of God who moves us to seek the well-being of all our fellow human beings. When I pray the Holy Spirit is ever trying to push wider the walls of my heart. Prayer is never a one-way street. The Holy Spirit is always moving us to care for the poor and neglected of this world. We are being lifted up into the horizon of God.


I can have hope that there will be peace in this world. I can have energy that we can work towards building a better and most just world. 


I am so thankful to live with our God who gives us the power to hope and the energy to build a better world in the face of this horrible evil.


God, we bless you for the power you give us in this horrible time.



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