Monday, June 6, 2022



People want a religion that gives them meaning and direction in life. That is why they think it is so important to get the baby baptized; and to have funerals for their departed loved ones.


The focus of the Church (the evangelized people) must not be on providing religious services and photo opts for people. It is about bringing about disciples of Jesus. It is about nourishing the faith life of women and men so that they are living signs of Jesus Christ. 


The first approach is about providing religious services to people. The second approach is about forming people. We must ask the question that was asked many years ago in Europe: “Everyone is baptized, but where are the Christians?”


Jesus never told us to baptized babies. He never told us to have funerals for the departed or to bless peoples’ homes. But he sent his disciples to be so alive to the workings of God that they could participate in building the kingdom of God. They were sent to be living signs of who and what Jesus was all about. What Jesus did in his lifetime, his disciples must now do in their own place and time. 


The correct emphasis in on the people. The living disciples, (the people are the Church), must respond to the calling of the Holy Spirit to pray and work toward the project that Jesus first outlined. 


Born Catholics who just want the ‘service station church’ are confused and resistant. They can become very angry is anyone asks them about getting their children done, ‘did that do any good?’


In today’s society, where we live in a post-truth society, it becomes crucial that the disciples of Jesus have a clear understanding of who they are meant to be. The emphasis must be on growing in the faith; it must be incarnated into our flesh and blood. Our lifestyle must speak of Jesus Christ.


Everything in the organized Church, from the ministry of pope, bishop, priest and deacon, to the sacraments, the Catechism and the canon law of the Church is geared to nourishing the faith life of the people. It is all directed towards forming people. Church is ‘disciple-making.’


Perhaps a great number of Canadians will walk away from the Church. 


In this time of polarization and my-truth-only culture, our faith and commitment must be tested. We have been called to something much greater: to share in the great redeeming work of Jesus Christ. We are called by God to make present the love of God and the compassion for the poor that Jesus gave us. 


People come to faith in Jesus Christ because they have been influenced by the faith life of a Christian. They find the witness of their Christians to be credible. It rings true. It is grounded in the mystery of Christ. 


Always keep the focus straight. This is all about people, human beings living and sharing the very life of Jesus Christ. Everything else is just to support and nourish the people.



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