Monday, October 10, 2022



Last month we had a criminal on the loose for four days. Every hour the new headlines blared out the fears and confusion that such a criminal on the loose presents to our society. There was real fear. Where is this man?


The English expression “still at large” is an excellent way to describe our God. 


God can never be corralled, manipulated, controlled or even bought-off. The life, work and energy of God is always beyond us. God is actually like the Saskatchewan wind. At this moment is it blowing against the right side of your face. In a few moments the wind might be blowing against the left side of your face. 


God moves where God needs to move. Our task is to pay attention. There is no such thing as a control game when it comes to the actions of God.


If God is still at large, look for God working in your neighbor. Perhaps this person has been helping people very quietly in the district. There has been no fanfare or self-advertising here. The spirit of God has been working when your neighbor helps an elderly person get to the specialist in Regina and then drive back home again. 


And your co-worker reaches out to help a Ukrainian family get settled, find work, get the kids into school and helps them make sense of the Canadian banking system. This is all extra time and energy but it comes from the goodness of God working in your co-worker’s heart. 


Then you have that irksome grandson who brings up the topic of the over-consumption in the First World. He is bothered by the destruction that human beings are inflicted upon the world Sometimes you wish he would go back to his studies and leave us alone on this issue.  But here again, in some irksome words, there is the Spirit of God at work. (Sometimes the message from God feels like a pain in the butt!)


You are a resident in the nursing home. It feels so good to wheel yourself outside in the warm sunshine and just listen and enjoy the children in the school yard across from your residence. The yelling and screams are such a sign of life. It is so good to be close to children, alive and playing. In the joy of the school yard noise is the life-giving power of God. There is life. There is a tomorrow!


We have turned this negative expression in a new awareness of how God is working in the world. No one can control God. God will always be as free and unpredictable as the wind. Our task is to pay attention. 


Spend a little time today reflecting on the unexpected moments you experienced God working and moving among us. Where did the goodness of God, spring up in surprise?


If God is at large, where have you spotted God moving? Uplifting down spirits? Moving selfish hearts? 


Where is God in the unexpected moments of your life? 







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