Tuesday, December 20, 2022



In one of the large malls the management has set up a walk-in Christmas manger scene. There are costumes that people can dress up and take selfies. The invitation is given, “Be one of the figures in the Christmas story that you were never asked to be when you were a kid.”


People love it. They put on the costumes and take plenty of selfies. It all is a lot of fun.


But we want to see the possible deeper meaning of this ‘selfie project.’


It has long been a practice in our spiritual lives to use our imagination and enter into the events and parables of Jesus’ life. Do not just tell the story of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Imagine yourself as one of the characters in the story.


Now, do this for yourself.


Imagine yourself as Mary. Frightened at the birth of her child while travelling. Poor and vulnerable, feel the longing in her heart for support and protection. Imagine yourself as the new mother who sees her crying child for the very first moments of their encounter. As you are with Mary, what do you feel? What joy is there in your heart? What fears and questions do you have?


Stand now in the shoes of Joseph.  He is a very honest and upright man. What fears are there in his heart? How will he protect and support Mary and this new born babe? Where will they get enough food to eat along this journey? What resentments are in his soul over the oppressive demands of the Roman oppressors who have forced them to travel to Bethlehem for taxation purposes? What angers are there in this scene?


Now, get into the skins of the unruly day workers, the men who look after rich men’s sheep. They are survivors and they know that the religious elite look down on them as the unwashed. They are the people on the lower ladder of society. But God sent his angels to announce them the earth-shattering news that the Son of God has come among human life. ‘We are the people who do not count, and now we are the first to receive the Good News from almighty God?”


Now, be the manger in the Bethlehem story. A manager is a feed trough for animals. Mary and Joseph are so poor that the only place they can place this new born to sleep is in a feeding trough. In your imagination be the feeding trough; hold the new born. Hold the very Son of God. Hold the life and presence of God close to your very skin. Hold the Son of God skin-to -kin.


Now, jump back to the story at the top of this article. Try to picture yourself getting all dressed up as one of the Bethlehem characters. Take your picture. Compare the character you have got into with these costumes with your friends. What are you feeling? Thinking? How is this putting you into touch with the workings of God at Bethlehem?

What may have been a fun add-on to the Christmas shopping can also be an excellent time to enter into the mystery of Bethlehem. 


May this Christmas give you new insights into the great work of God, here among us. 2022.



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