Wednesday, December 7, 2022



When we share the Scriptures at Sunday Mass we are meant to be stimulated by the Spirit of God is actually working among us. The sharing of the Scriptures is meant to be a moment of revelation; a receiving of God’s concern for us. It is meant to be revelation to the entire faith community and a personal revelation for each one of us.


During the season of Advent we are drawn to the young woman, Mary. She sets the standards of how God is at work amidst humanity. She is without power. She is illiterate and lives in a country oppressed and heavily taxed by the Roman conquerors.  She is one of the little ones of the earth.


God breaks into human life. God asks this humble young woman to be mother. God is asking her to take great risks with her future, her reputation and her economic support for her life. This request is very precarious. This is dangerous.


She struggles and she accepts. She trusts that God will accomplish the impossible. She trusts that God will be with her through the entire time of motherhood.


Focus on Mary: she accepts!


There are many unplanned events in our lives. Our vehicle breaks down. Our older sister develops cancer. We are downsized at work. Our little boy breaks his arm.


You pray and beg for help. You need God just to get through this terrible time.


Now, be like Mary. What are you receiving from God? And from the people who support you?


In your struggles with the strong tensions and confusion, God walks with you in strength. Perhaps at the moment you cannot name this accompaniment, but looking back you see that God was there giving you the strength to continue for another day. 


You are struggling with your addiction to alcohol. In moments of severe stress, you beg God for the strength to get through this hour without taking a drink.  God gives you the power to resist alcohol. God strengthens  your strength.


You are a teacher and your patience is worn thin by the reluctance of this child to apply themselves to this particular project. You want to give up, but unbeknownst to you, strength is given to keep trying with this child.


In all of this, how is God coming into your life, giving you strength to keep going, courage to  look for a brighter day? Where is the Spirit of God when you feel He is so far away at this moment?


As we focus on Mary during Advent and how she received from God, focus on your own life to recognize where you have also received from God. Where has God picked you up when you seemed so close to collapse? How has God opened new doors when you felt that tomorrow was shut to your face?


This is a season of receiving. It was in receiving that Mary brought forth the very Son of God. Now, where in your life is God working and walking with you? Where are your moments of receiving from God?

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