Monday, April 17, 2023



This Sunday we hear of the two disciples who walked to the village of Emmaus (Lk. 24,13-35). They were joined by a stranger. During the conversation the stranger begins to elaborate the meaning of the prophecies that would explain the death of Jesus. The two disciples did not get the message. They continued on and invited the stranger to join them as they took up the night’s lodging.


When they sat down to eat the stranger took the bread, gave blessing and broke it. At that moment the two disciples discovered that the stranger was the risen Christ. He disappears. They rush back to Jerusalem to inform the other disciples that they were correct. They had encountered the risen Jesus in the breaking of the bread.


Focus today where they had encountered the risen Lord. It was not in a prayer house or other designated holy place. It was on the road.


People can become too narrow in their perception of divine action. Many limit holiness only to within the four walls of the local church building. It is good to value the worship space but it is much too limiting to the way that God actually works.


Look for the movement of the risen Christ among your co-workers who make special efforts to help the new Canadians adjust to our Canadian ways and to work through the many government procedures in order to obtain services. They take the new comer down to the driver trainer and help them obtain their driver’s licence. The risen Christ is working through the goodness of these co-workers.


See the goodness of the resurrection in your sister who had adapted her work schedule so that she can be of assistance to her daughter who is now a single mom with three pre-school children. Your sister has made many sacrifices for the sake of her grandchildren. The goodness of this woman is a sharing in the goodness of the resurrection.


Listen to your elderly uncle, whose only mobility is the wheel chair, who daily makes intercession for so many people who need to be brought to God. His many prayers brings the concerns of these many wounded people before God. His prayer is a strong affirmation of his trust in the power of God to give assistance to these many hurting and confused people. In his prayer he is living the resurrection.


And none of this is happening in a church building. 


The work of the risen Christ is on the road. First, it is in the everyday activities of our lives that Christ comes to us. Many  a time we will be surprised as were the two men on the road to Emmaus. 


Take a few moments to reflect where you have encountered the risen Christ on the road.



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