Tuesday, June 20, 2023



In life, you will never work hard or try to save anything if you do not love it.

No one can be commanded to save anything or nourish any person towards personal growth if they do not have love for them.


When we care deeply about anything or anyone, it is surprising how much effort and determination we will put forth.


We know that the earth and the climate are in trouble. The atmosphere is heating up, the ice cap in the North is melting and we can see a direct connection between the incredible forest fires we have experienced this spring.  The scientists have not made the direct connection between the two, but our common sense has drawn the correct conclusion.


The challenge before all human beings is to fall in love with creation. Western man (of European decent) has been so cut off from the natural world that we need to rediscover the place of humanity with the entire web of creation.


The soil, the waters and the plants must never be seen as something to use, exploit and then thrown away. We have more than two centuries of exploitation and it is evident that this is leading us into deep trouble. Humanity can no longer exploit the riches of the soil and then walk away as it turns into desert. We are in danger of losing clean water (an absolute essential for all life- -especially human life).


The social teachings of our Church (Laudto si) challenges us to reconnect ourselves with all living things. We are to live as if every leaf, grasshopper and beef cow are kin to us. We are connected with all living things and they to us humans. Our future lies not in exploitation but in lived connectedness and harmony with everything.


But this connectedness will only happen if we turn in love towards all living things. They must become family to us and we to them. 


Take a few moments to do this spiritual exercise. Sit calmly. Study one particular leaf on a nearby tree. Imagine what energy and design there is in this one leaf coming into existence. Stay with the leaf. Feel the warm sunshine it is absorbing and how it is creating energy and growth in itself and sending its energy into the branch of the tree. 


Watch the robins bouncing around the lawn, listening for bugs and worms and bobbing down to pick them up. Then they will fly off with this load of food to feed their chicks in the nest. Be in touch with these tremendous forces of nature at work in this little bird.


This is all the creative hand of God. Each living creature is being moved by the hand of God. Creation was not something that happened a long time ago. You are sitting in it. It is happening was you watch.


Now, pay attention to your heart. How much love and joy has been elicited by this tiny exercise?


Only if you begin from your heart will you ever move to care for the earth. Only if your heart is active will you hear the call of the earth for sustainability. 


You will only fight for what you love. Sustaining the earth must come from your heart.



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