Tuesday, November 14, 2023




From our first breath when we emerged from our mother’s womb, life can be described as a struggle. There is a moment when the mother and mid-wife listen for that first cry. From then on there are so many struggles to live and thrive.


There are so many things we need to learn as we move toward adulthood. We learn not to hit our little brother, how to cross the street and how to chew with our mouth closed. And then we are challenged through the teen years to make new friends, to be a competent and reliable worker and to find meaning and purpose in the ups and downs of living.


In old age there is a tremendous struggle  when we begin to lose more and more of our significant relationships. The older we become the more we lose. How do you find meaning and purpose in the last fifteen years of life? 


If we do not meet these challenges we will fall back and in some cases we will fade into obscurity. Most often a premature death.


Here is where so many people who were born into the church has a warped sense of faith. They think that God is some fairy princess who will just wave the magic wand and all will work out for us. How immature and how distorted!


Begin your understanding of the life of faith with Moses. God breaks into the life of this farmer (without economic and political power) and sends him to pharaoh (with all the power and the money)  to demand that he set the Hebrew slaves free. Remember the Hebrew slaves were of serious economic value to the economy of Egypt. No ruler would ever be so naïve as to let these slaves (very valuable property) go!


What struggle there must have been in the heart of Moses. He, just a little insignificant guy, is being sent to challenge the all-powerful pharaoh!


Our faith arises out of   deep struggles. God leads. We are challenged to trust that God accompanies us every step of the way.


Consider Jesus who struggled to be faithful to the Father in the last hours before he brutal murder on the cross. He asked God to take this ‘cup’ (of suffering) away from him. Through prayer he learned to accept the brutal ending that was to befall him. 


Jesus struggled! And right to the last breath!


We struggle right now over the wars raging in the Ukraine, Israel/Gaza and the Sudan. War is always caused by human agents. Plead with God to move the hearts and politics of the agents of war. 


Your nephew is into the drugs. You are anxiously afraid that he will hit a bad batch and suffer an overdose. You pray for his safety each day.


God has called you to walk and trust him. God will give you strength to work through some of the most difficult moments in human life. 


Now, bring to God and to people with whom you can share your faith journey the many struggles you have encountered. 


How many days do you feel just like Moses? 


Rely on is the love and power of God! Never give up!





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