Monday, December 18, 2023




We love to decorate. But each decoration carries a message. Each decoration is an extension of our values, our hopes and wishes for the good of others. Decorations are beautiful but they are first of all, meaningful.


Spend a few moments in meditation before your Christmas tree. What are the most beautiful decorations on the tree? What carry more meaning than just some pretty and colorful bobble manufactured by a factory in China?


Touch the first decoration. This is the wonderful service your own mother gives her aged mother in the nursing home. She is there almost every day to help feed her mother, change her clothes and just be present to your grandmother. Where does your Mother find all the patience to hold her mother’s hand when there is barely any response? The most beautiful decoration on the tree is your mother’s patience.


Your second decoration is your own sister who finds time to donate two mornings a week to work at the food bank. She cheerly packs hampers, sorts through all kinds of canned goods and helps the clients with her infectious laugh. And she never expects any recognition. Your family knows that she is the unsung hero of the family. Her service makes the Christmas tree smile.


And then there is Mary, our retired elementary teacher, who volunteers several days each week to help the kids who have difficulty with their reading. The kids love this one-to- one attention. The only ones who will notice the improvement in the children are the parents and the teacher. This is true giving where hardly anyone will every give you recognition, but the service will make a difference in the skills of the children.   


And then there is Philip, eighty-five and going strong, who will drive any of the seniors to their appointments in Regina and Saskatoon. Calgary is not considered to be too far. Everyone kids him that he likes to drive his Cadillac around but he certainly helps the elderly who do not have any family close by to drive to their appointments. 


It is not things that are beautiful. We use these bright Christmas decorations to express our gratitude to what is truly beautiful: the love and service that we give to one another. The Christmas tree can carry much deeper meaning if we but look for it.


Today, give your Christmas tree some attention. See the beautiful compassion and service that the people of your family, your church and your co-workers are giving to others. 


May your Christmas tree shine with goodness and jolly. Have a wonderful Christmas.





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