Tuesday, January 2, 2024



Sometimes our foundational stories can seem old and well worn. They are like comfortable slippers; not very useful for real work!


The roots of the Epiphany story must be rooted in the message that the Gospel writer, Matthew was trying to make clear to his church membership of Jewish converts. At this point in time the Jewish religion were sure that they were the chosen people of God and that there was no salvation outside of their religious circle. The Christians of Matthew’s church struggled with the problem: how could the Gentiles be saved? 


Their very concept of God and divine election was seriously challenged. 


Into this struggle Matthew shows us that the first people to come seeking the new -born Messiah were the pagans: the people from the East. While you are holding on to the pagans from the East, coming to worship the newborn Messiah, recognize that the final mission that the resurrected Jesus sends the disciples on is to the whole world.(Mt. 28,19) Matthew has bookended his gospel with a universal direction: the salvation brought by Jesus Christ is for all people, everywhere.


Now separate the historical details of the Magi story from the event itself. This is the work of God to include all human beings. What we celebrate as Epiphany today (2024) is very contemporary.


Travel to any country. Who are the poor and he excluded ones? Who are not benefitting from the wealth and educational opportunities that are offered in any country?  The poor are always invisible in every society. Who gets left out? 


There are thousands of people on the move today because in their country it is not safe to live, the unemployment is crushing, and there is no future for the children. War and civil unrest just fuels the refugee crisis. 


We watch the news focused on the  wars in the Ukraine, in Gaza and the Sudan and we can just imagine the degree of hatred and blistering anger there is on both sides of the conflict. This animosity will not die out like a spent campfire once a peace treaty is signed. These divisions between peoples are very powerful. 


In much of the First World (economically dominant) countless numbers of people are walking away from any religious connection. They do not sense any need to be actively connected with the divine and share in a community of faith and prayer. 


When we tell the story of the Epiphany in our faith communities we must place is squarely in the reality of today’s world. God has come to bring all humanity to value and care about each other. In the heart of God there are no divisions between peoples but rather a love that binds peoples to each other in care and compassion. 


Tell the Epiphany story this year standing in the midst of any divisions. Tell the story in the middle of the inequalities that exist in our Canadian society. Tell the story in any country where there is racism; exclusion based on skin color, religion or education levels.


This is not some dusty old story from the Bible. It is the story of how God is working in our world, 2024. 


And it is challenging!








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