Wednesday, March 20, 2024



There is one character (Mk. 11,3)  that we overlook every holy week. It is the donkey: no name and now owner named either.


Jesus instructed the disciples to go into the village and borrow a colt/donkey. The disciples gave their word that the donkey would be returned.  There is a play on images here. 


The entry into Jerusalem, with Jesus riding the donkey, indicates that he is moving towards glory and success (i.e., the salvation on mankind on the cross and in the resurrection). There is a play on images here. In worldly terms a conquering emperor or general would ride in triumph (with lots of fanfare and publicity) on a white stallion to make clear to the defeated population that this was their new ruler who will run the government and tax them. This was always a political act and was always a display of power.


The play on images here is that Jesus now comes in triumph; this is God’s rule and time being established. Jesus is faithful to who and what God actually is. Jesus comes humble, riding a beast of burden; a work animal. He does not come to dominate but to give life and walk with the people. This is God walking with the people, with the little ones, to lift them up. As Jesus moves toward triumph and glory, he moves with humility and powerlessness. 


The donkey is the sign of how humble God actually is. There is no beating the population down and getting rich off their hard labor. The donkey is the exact opposite of how human beings act by dominating power over others. Jesus is the humble God who comes to life us up.


This Palm Sunday, walk beside Jesus on the donkey. Ask in your prayer and in your actions to grow to into  the heart of God. As you walk beside the donkey, ask to be humble and to see the value and importance of each human being. Ask to have a heart that respects and cherishes each human being just as the very heart of God sees and values each human being.


During the past two years we have been burdened by two very criminal and stupid wars. Countless innocent people have been killed and how many children have been killed through the invasion of Gaza? 


We must never be defeated by the evil of war and the destructive power of falling bombs.

Walk beside Jesus (and the donkey) to practice a life of non-violence. Seek by your actions to break the spiral of violence wherever it is possible. Be the bearer of peace and justice.


People may conclude that the problem of war is so great , that I, as one person cannot make a difference. While you are walking beside Jesus, may the Holy Spirit empower you to see that every act of respect that you bring to another human being is planting peace in this world. As one individual, you can make a difference.


Pay attention this year to the donkey. He carries a humble Jesus. He carries a God who has come to change humanity into greater goodness. 


Walking beside the donkey will make your sharing in the Easter mysteries very enlightening. You are being empowered to become more and more like Jesus: humble and lifting up the poor.


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