Tuesday, May 14, 2024



God’s plan for the salvation of the world directly involves you!


The earthly time of Jesus was divine revelation on a very human level. That mission was brief and was completed with the last appearance of the resurrected Christ in the Ascension. The disciples were told to wait: the resurrected Jesus would send the Holy Spirit. In Pentecost we celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Notice the words of abundance: “out pouring.”


God wants to give the Holy Spirit to each and everyone of the human race in abundance. He wants human beings to be energized and moved by the power of the Holy Spirit within their own lives and their own culture. The giving of the Holy Spirit to us, today, is part of  God’s great plan to bring the human race to live in and through the energy of God.


Pour out your Holy Spirit into the hearts and actions of all the nations that are involved in war and violence at this very moment. We need the Holy Spirit not only between nations making war against each other, but we need a healing of the conflicts that can often erupt on our city streets. For every violent heart in the world, stir peace and compassion. Keep humanity aware of the  sufferings that all forms of violence inflicts on the poor and the little ones of this world.


Pour out your Holy Spirit on all people who live in North America. Help them to feel the pain of the earth and the warming of the climate. Only when we feel the pain of the disappearing species, the shrinking of the water channels and the threat of hard droughts, will we move to a more sustainable lifestyle. Holy Spirit, as you groan in the forces of nature, may we humans be moved to a more caring lifestyle that enhances the earth, our common home.


Pour out your Holy Spirit within all of us who are capable and mobile to seek out the lonely and forgotten, due to their old age.  The poor are so very close to us. Holy Spirit be the force that opens our eyes, moves our legs and our hands to care for the forgotten who live so close to us.


Pour out your Holy Spirit upon all individuals and families who struggle with addictions.  Give them insight on how to cope, to care of the family’s well-being and not to get trapped in the  nightmare of addiction destruction. We ask help to so many desperate situations.


Holy Spirit, pour out your strength upon all the citizens of Canada, that they work toward peace and reconciliation with our First Nations, welcome all the new-comers to Canada and look toward bringing all peoples to be blest with the good life that our country can offer.


Now, it time for you, the reader, to add what we need to Holy Spirit to do among us. What gifts of the Holy Spirit does our world need this season?







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