Tuesday, December 3, 2024



Several years ago, a close friend throughout these many years, gifted me with a powerful insight for a healthy life. We had been discussing the resistance some people have toward some of the public health decisions that were exercised during the pandemic. She grew up with a single mother, who supported and managed her children well. She knew hardships in her life and brought loads of encouragement to her years of teaching high school.


She reflected on the resistance of the people under discussion and she concluded: “They haven’t suffered enough!”


For all of us, growing up and maturing into the wisdom of good living, has come through a lot of difficult moments. We all have suffered in one way or another. A farmer cannot grow an abundant apple crop unless he first prune the trees in the Spring. Good living, a good harvest, comes through mistakes, and downright seasons of struggle.


In life, your strengths are always your greatest weaknesses. The mother who is super-clean, has the bathroom mirror cleaned immediately after the children have brushed their teeth (her strength), was so busy that she did not have time to hug each of the kids as they ran out of the house to catch the school bus (her weakness).


Growing up in the Church brings a definite identity (strength), but it often times is a hindrance to growing up and living our faith in God. Anyone who is satisfied and comfortable with their religious faith and practice, will often block any growth and maturity in our Christian faith. Those who think they are performing well as believers are often living in illusion (their weakness).


You will only grow and mature into a wonderful human being through mistakes, failures and taking the wrong turn from time to time. But these negative moments become the moments of birth and growth. 


Fortunately, most adults take ownership of their mistakes and grow through them. They know they are not perfect and that there is a lot more room for growth and blossoming.


Authentic growth in our faith happens as we walk with, struggle with our God. We search  and go looking for God. We will only find God if we are hungry for God. We will only find God is we have suffered hunger for God, suffered through our sins and our mistakes and were open to how the Holy Spirit wants to reveal God to us. 


Faith is always a two-way affair. First, God always bursts into our lives but we also must go looking for God. 


This is why the insight of our friend (they have not suffered enough) brings us to be in touch with our deep hunger for God. Be attentive to the ways that the Holy Spirit is moving you through frustrations and failures toward the mercy   and goodness of God.


This Advent, when we say “Come, Lord Jesus,” we are speaking out of actual need. There is a spiritual hunger within us crying out to meet the living Son of God.


May your Advent be a meeting with the real Jesus.

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