Thursday, January 27, 2022




One of the sad but very real features of life is the criticism that you will receive if you reach out to do good for others. In one particular instance one sister in the family reached out to a cousin who was having a very difficult time getting her young life to go in a straight direction.  This young niece was making many bad decisions in her life. But when her aunt reached out to this lost soul the harshest criticism came from her own sister. 


There was a lot of hurt in this family over the harsh words that were thrown toward the benevolent aunt. The negative part of all this is that the criticizing sister does not reach out to help other people.


This Sunday’s readings offer us clear direction. If we are sent by God there will be negative criticism thrown our way. The forces of darkness do not sit silent when there is goodness afoot. 


Our first reading from Jeremiah (Jer. 1, 4-5, 17-19) has the assurance from God to the young Jeremiah that God will support and be with him. He is to expect trouble in bringing the message of God to a people who have wandered away from God. We know in fact that Jeremiah experienced strong opposition to the message he was sent to bring the people. He was to call the people to turn toward God and the enemies of Jeremiah worked to crush him into the earth. 


Jesus (Lk. 4, 21-30) was welcomed by the people of his hometown but a little later they turned on him. He made it clear that his mission embraced the people beyond the Hebrews. His own folk could not handle this. They wanted him destroyed!


There is a strong lesson here for all the followers of Jesus. When you reach out to do good toward the poor of this world, expect some negative feedback! Do not be surprised if the members of your own family have some of the sharpest barbs! This will hurt. This could be very discouraging. You might be strongly moved to quit!


We need to hear the words of God that were given to Jeremiah to brace him up in the face of such severe opposition. They are words that we need for courage. God will walk with us through this fire of criticism. God says to Jeremiah to encourage him: “I for my part I  have made you today a fortified city, an iron pillar.” (Jer. 1,17)


When any Christian reaches out to one of God’s little ones do not be surprised when the criticism comes. Your reaching out to do good to someone who cannot pay you back, is a challenge to your brother who works excessively to be successful in his job but does not have any time to help others. Your act of goodness is a sliver of bright light that is cutting through the darkness of indifference in your brother’s life. Do not be surprised at the negative reactions.


When you are listening and praying over the Word of God this Sunday hold in your hand some to the barbs of negative criticism and misunderstanding that others have thrown toward you. Now, how has the hand of God supported you and gave you strength to continue doing good? 

Where were you Jeremiah and God gave you the courage to be a ‘pillar of iron?’

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