Wednesday, February 2, 2022



We live in a very big world. We are drowning in information. There are big fights over false information about vaccines, government, health restrictions, personal freedom; the list could go on.


Now, whose voice do you listen to? Whose voice do you trust?


Trust has become a number one concern in this society. 


From the moment of our first breath into this world, life is built on trust. We learnt immediately that we could trust our mother to feed us, keep us warm, clean and dry. We learnt that the world was good, secure and helped us to thrive. 


When you grew up in a small community your parents knew to what degree they could trust people. If you were raised on a farm your father knew that he could loan his equipment to this farmer because he took such good care of the machine. He would not lend it to this other farmer who was reckless and returned the equipment in less that workable state. He never explained the social dynamics with the other farmers, but you picked up which ones you felt comfortable with and which ones you needed to be cautious.


When you live in a large urban environment you are connected with few people. We try with all sorts of government qualifications to have proof that this person is competent and in good standing. We use bureaucratic instruments to establish trustworthiness.  Is this mechanic reliable to keep my vehicle in good shape or will he take advantage of me?


We need to ask one another, who can you trust? If someone from the fire department comes to your door and asks you to clean up at the back of your property, do you trust that request?

Unfortunately for our very large society, people place the media at the bottom of the list as trustworthy agents of information. This is a very serious issue for a democracy. 


Now you have to ask when you hear a report on the national (big business) media: is that true? Has that been exaggerated? What slant am I receiving? 


In my personal interactions I am cautiously saying to some people, ‘Maybe that is not true?”


This hesitation to trust in the words of another has implications to the way we live our faith. People may say they believe, but there is hesitation in their voice.


Our faith comes from the direct revelation of God. God breaks into our world. It can happen in events like the burning bush in the story of Moses, in the quiet revelation to the young girl named Mary. Or in the quiet moments of your own prayer when the presence of God is keenly felt. Revelation was never meant to be a once-for-all event that happened in the ancient past. God continues to break into our lives, even when it is most inconvenient. 


Now, each person has to ask: in a world where there is much doubt and distrust of others, can I believe that the Word of God is true and should be followed? Can I give my commitment to God as preached and taught in the faith community ? 


In the past we had little difficulty with this one but today we must ask: Should I trust the Word of revelation? Should I trust the message of Jesus? 


It may be more difficult times but it will call forth a stronger faith in the Word of revelation.


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