Thursday, February 10, 2022





Last week there was an interesting item about Jeff Bezos, the third richest man in the world (or is he the richest?), who has built a superyacht in the port of Rotterdam in Holland. The ship has been identified as the largest among the superyachts of the world. It is the largest yacht in its category in the world. The ship is so large and so tall that it cannot sail out of the port until a very historic bridge (Kenningshave Bridge) is taken apart. The local government is willing to take apart this historic bridge at Bezos’ expense. 


We shake our head at this oversight. A grade ten student with his calculator could have figured this out before construction was even begun. 


The question that must be asked: what gives this one human being the right to use so much of the world’s resources to build a pleasure craft that is first and foremost an extension of his ego? Where does any human being have the right to use so much of the steel, wood and fabrics of this earth? 


How is humanity better off because this extremely wealthy man has built this superyacht? And how often will it ever be used? These very rich people work very, very hard to maintain their wealth and corporations. Will he actually use this boat?


This same question must be asked of the top fifth of the world’s population. Are you using and claiming more than your fair share of the resources of the world?


Is it just a matter that those who have the money can do with it whatever they want? Or are there deeper issues here?


Many people will fear to even raise this question because they would want to be in the position of the very rich and the powerful. You do not question another is you want to be as rich as they are.


The goods of the earth are not for any one person or nation alone. The bounty of the earth is given for the good of all. It is never right that a very small group of people own almost all the resources and the majority of people live in dirt poverty. 


What if Jeff Bezos uses his wealth as an opportunity to make the world a better place? How does his wealth benefit and help the struggling families in Africa and Bangladesh who try to get some of their children to go to school?


What would happen if Jeff Bezos had used all that money to support primary schools in Africa, India and South America? What would happen to human beings and their families if there was an opportunity for their little daughters to go to school?


What would happen if the money that was invested in propping up one man’s ego was used to build and service clinics and health care services throughout the Third World?  


My Christian faith challenges me to ask the tough questions. What is money for? What are the resources of the world to be used? 


Has Jeff Bezos missed an incredible opportunity to better the human race, or has he invested selfishly in his own ego?






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