Tuesday, January 30, 2024



This past week our federal government put on hold the provision that would have allowed mental illness as one of the sole criteria that could have been used to access MAID (medical nassistance in dying). The postponement does not have an ending date. 


There has been much criticism, serious reflection by health providers and some general hesitation on the part of our Canadian public. If a person suffers  from mental illness, there is always hope of a future recovery. Many health practioners in the mental health field brought forth many examples of a recovery from mental illness and depression.


Using MAID is a form of suicide. This person is actively ending their life with the help of modern medicine.


Pay attention to the reasons that people who are actively seeking MAID give for ending their lives. This is a very difficult conversation because it places us in the center of how to live a meaningful life. This conversation is hampered because many people will limit it only to a personal issue: it is my life and I will decide what to do with it on my terms! This makes a human life merely an issue only about myself. This is a reflection about how our society has become so individualistic.


When people start talking about their desire for MAID they exhibit a great loneliness. You feel that they are very disconnected from others. Do you hear, ‘Even if I am going through some difficult health issues, I want to spend every hour possible with my wife, or my children?” Do they talk about how they still want to be part of the lives of their friends, old hockey players  and their close friends over the years? This lonely focus is only on themselves.


This is just the opposite of the rancher/farmer who was dying of cancer. His wife shared this precious time in their lives.  He insisted that he would die at home. His wife arranged to have a hospital bed installed in their living room. She cared for him throughout this ordeal. At the end she observed that “as his world got smaller and smaller (i..e, confined to a hospital bed) his life got bigger and bigger.” It was that precious time that he spent with his children and grandchildren, and all the neighbors and friends that spent precious time with hm, living and sharing their memories. Even though the process of dying was painful, it became life-giving in the love and friendships that it generated. Although confined to a hospital bed, his life flowered in love and hope.


This connectedness with others seems so absent from the people asking for MAID.


Secondly, it is the absence of the meaning of life. Has their life become so empty, so unresponsive to the love of others and their fellow human beings, that they just want to end their life on the note that living is not worth anything anymore?


We need a lot more reflection, prayer and dialogue on this issue in Canada. What values are being left out of this discussion in 2024? Is human life actually enhanced with MAID?


I am so grateful that our Christian faith teaches us that every life is actually the gift of God. Every life is meant to be lived to the fullness; in joy and gratitude. My life is a lot more than just my narrow, personal possession.







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