Wednesday, January 24, 2024



During th last decade public discourse, especially from the US media, has degenerated into some very mean-spirited attacks on public persons and the reduction of public commentary to negative and vicious entertainment. 


We need a reset. 


Before you read any further look around your social group. Count the number of people that deliberately try to speak well of all the people they deal with each month. And then, there is the one or two persons who have a vicious tongue.


All words are powerful. Nothing that leaves our mouth is just vapour that will disappear in the air. Once a word is spoken, it can never be taken back. Just think back to the unplanned moments that your blustered out something that was out of place the moment it was spoken! We blush even remembering those moments.


The suggestion was made that at the time of death we could have the reading out of ‘all the terrible things that the deceased spoke about other people, politicians included!’ The reaction has always been horror on the faces of people who first heard of this suggestion. 


Call for accountability on the part of everyone, ordinary Canadians and public figures, to speak the truth without any malice or evil intent.


At this point, move into reflecting on the good words that you speak about others. Even if some very hard truths must be spoken, see how it has been spoken without malice and evil intent.


Your fifteen year old (without a driver’s licence) caused an accident. The repair bill was three thousand dollars. You consciously did not fly off in anger but you sat him down and laid out the road to responsibility: how are you going to pay for all the repairs on this van? Recognize the foolishness and lack of judgement but you did not crush him. Your words were true, firm and responsible. But they were words that took responsibility for poor judgment.


You have two brother-in-laws that have personalities that just clash. Family gatherings are difficult. You laid out the rules of how they were to relate to each other at family gatherings. It is awkward at times, but your family can function as a family group. 


Your nephew in his early thirties struggles with drug addiction. He has come clean twice but suffered a relapse. You seek to speak about his struggles with his addictions in words that understand. You always offer words of hope that he will hit his bottom and go to seek help. 


Gather up all the good words that you have spoken about your family, co-workers and associates. You will be surprised at the number of good words that you actually speak on a daily basis. We need to do this in our foul climate to people spewing off  negative  barbs at other people, especially people who a different from the speaker.


When bad words are spoken, we are challenged to speak good words and the truth.  In a storm of social darkness of bad words, may you be a llight! May your words be a blessing.






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